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Submitted by: Tiffany Wilson
You have always been a good son or daughter to your parents. Every time they told you to brush your teeth, you obediently comply. Even until now that you are already an adult, you still faithfully brush your teeth three times a day. You never forget to floss, and you always finish with your favorite mouthwash. You must be proud of you dental hygiene. You are one of those people who think their teeth are already invincible because they give it more attention than most people. However, there is just one problem. You never visited a dental clinic ever since you left your mother’s house for college five, ten year ago.
There are various factors to this shortcoming. One factor that stands out is your schedule. Perhaps other matters like school and work demand more priority from your schedule. You end up neglecting little things like dental checkups and maybe even your wardrobe. You are caught up with everything that is going on with your life that you think you won’t die even if you do not visit a dentist. Washington DC is buzzing with life and pressure you believe you will definitely be left behind if you do not go with the current.
There is nothing wrong with that really. Only, you are not as great an advocate for dental health as you thought you were. Even if you are faithful with all the day-to-day healthy dental practices and routines, you are not involved enough to spare some time for a regular visit to your local dental clinic. Don’t get me wrong. I still find it admirable that you practice not only brushing but flossing and rinsing as well–like, every day. I just find it a waste though because you could have felt complete with just a couple of trips to the dentist’s every year.
Don’t you like that idea? Knowing that you have a perfectly healthy dental health and having it confirmed by an actual professional? Perhaps you did not have the time before because you were still mapping your life out. But now that you are all settled down–maybe already raising a family of your own–perhaps you have more time for personal (and. of course, family) health improvements. Perhaps you are not working too much now. You might even be the boss now. With time and money just within your reach now, don’t you think it is time to start visiting the dental clinic again?
This is also a great opportunity to plant the seeds of dental health to your children–just like what your parents did to you when you were still staying with them. Bring your children to a regular dental checkup. Train them to practice the correct dental hygiene. They will grow up not forgetting this very important foundation because this does not concern just about anyone. This concerns them and their dental health. Even if they may end up like you in the course of their lives (not having the time for regular dental checkups), they will never forget how important this is to their health and lifestyle.
About the Author: Tiffany Wilson is an assistant to a dentist in a local clinic in Washington DC. Know more about dental clinic Washington DC here.
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