Community Television consortium urges Australian government to increase funding for channels

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) has urged the Australian government to increase funding for community broadcasters. CBAA is asking for an extra $AU14 million for “vital community broadcasting services.” According to CBAA President Deborah Welch, community television is the training ground for the Australian media industry. “It is the…

BBC spends £3.4m on sell-off

Friday, June 27, 2008 Newspaper The Guardian reports today that the sale of the BBC subsidiary BBC Resources Ltd., has cost £3.4m in consultancy fees — over £1m more than the £2.3m trading profit the commercial division is estimated to have made for the last financial year. Details of the failed privatisation were released by…

City of Buffalo, N.Y. fighting lawsuit against hotel proposal

Buffalo, N.Y. Hotel Proposal Controversy Recent Developments “Old deeds threaten Buffalo, NY hotel development” — Wikinews, November 21, 2006 “Proposal for Buffalo, N.Y. hotel reportedly dead: parcels for sale “by owner”” — Wikinews, November 16, 2006 “Contract to buy properties on site of Buffalo, N.Y. hotel proposal extended” — Wikinews, October 2, 2006 “Court date…

UK shopping centre Afflecks Palace secures its future

Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Afflecks Palace, the “iconic, alternative shopping centre” in the Northern Quarter of Manchester in England, United Kingdom, was saved from closure this week after long-running rumours that the market may have to “kick out its traders” due to a dispute between the management of the Afflecks Palace brand and the leaseowner…

U.S. outlaws online gambling

Saturday, October 14, 2006 Over the weekend, millions of Americans faced the new ban of online gambling. The legislation was attached by Rep. Bill Frist to the Port Security bill. Many of the public companies that offer online gambling have been quick to react and give their outlooks on the legislature. Party Gaming and 888…