Raising Employee Self Expectations

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Business Advisory Brisbane Submitted by: Bruno Raynal Expectations are powerful. High expectations can motivate people to do great things. Not surprisingly, low expectations often have the opposite effect. When you don t expect much, you don t get much. As an entrepreneur or business owner, you expect nothing…

Email Marketing Success Tips

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Life Financial Planners By Brian Rooney 3 Keys To Effective Email Marketing Email marketing is becoming a popular tool for many small and home based businesses around the world. Email marketing allows businesses to eliminate expenses for things like paper, ink/toner, envelopes, postage, etc., and these savings make…

43 dead in Iraqi bomb blast

Monday, July 19, 2010 A suicide bomber killed 43 people in Iraq Sunday, injuring an estimated 40 more. The attack occurred southwest of Baghdad and targeted members of a government-backed militia, Sons of Iraq, also known as the Sahwa, who were waiting to collect their pay. Early reports say the attacks killed at least three…

NSW fraud squad recognised in Singapore

Tuesday, July 4, 2006 NSW Police fraud squad have received an award in Singapore for their efforts against credit card “skimming” The New South Wales police fraud squad have been recognised for their efforts and successes in credit and debit card fraud in Singapore last week according to a statement issued today. The award was…

Search and rescue beacons soon to make the digital jump

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1st generation EPIRBs Starting February 1, Cospas-Sarsat will discontinue monitoring the frequencies that are used for analog-based emergency position-indicating radio beacons (EPIRB), the 121.5 and 243 MHz frequencies. Search and rescue (SAR) groups worldwide will only monitor the 406 MHz frequency, which is dedicated to digital locators. The 406 MHz digital…